A day in the life of a florist
Gone are the days of 4am starts to head off to the flower market, today we are a little more techy and we order most of our flowers online and our fab wholesalers (they are the ones who thrive on little sleep) pick, pack and deliver our flowers, generally before we arrive at the shop. Of course we can still go to the wholesaler where we behave like a kid in a sweet shop and tend to buy on impulse rather than need.
Once the flowers have arrived, its time to get our hands dirty and condition all the flowers and boy do our hands get dirty. Floristry is not quite as glamourous as everyone thinks, don't get me wrong its a job I absolutely love, but glamourous it is not!
Once the conditioning is done its time to start with our daily orders, these are split between the girls and I and we make sure the bunches are made with care and take into account the customers requirements.
Mornings can be quite busy with the phone ringing for same day orders, the internet pinging away, customers walking in to purchase, plants, pre made bunches, which are are constantly replenishing to make sure there is plenty of choice in the shop too.
Now its time to get the deliveries loaded and out to the recipient. Whether its a birthday bunch, anniversary flowers, wedding flowers or funeral flowers they are all as important as each other, and, checks are made to ensure they are all delivered on time. Our friendly drivers are also trained to give you advice on how to care for your flowers and what to do to maintain them for the best life span.
While all this is going on, we are also making sure the shop is looking tip top at all times, plants are being cared for, phones, emails, facebook messages are all being answered, customers in the shop are being served and making sure we have everything in place for tomorrows orders to be fulfilled. All in all its quite a busy place with lots going on behind the scenes.