How to care for your flowers
It’s always lovely to have fresh flowers in your home, whether you are treating yourself to a few stems just to bob in a vase for yourself or you’re lucky enough to have received a beautiful bouquet as a gift, they make the perfect accessory to any room!
With that in mind we thought we would share some tips with you to help you get the most out of your flowers. Flowers are best placed in a cool dry environment, away from direct sunlight, droughts or radiators. If you you are placing your flowers in a vase, it’s best to cut the stems at a 45 degree angle, this allows the flower to drink more freely, if the stem is cut flat this limits the intake of water and can cause air blockages in the stem causing the heads to wilt. Make sure the vase is clean and free of any bacteria, a rule of thumb is, if you wouldn’t drink from it then why should your flowers? Remove any leaves that are below the water line as these will encourage bacteria to grow in the water, also make sure you change the water regularly if it’s cloudy or green then it’s time for a change.
Bouquet with water bubble
If you are the lucky recipient of a beautiful bouquet that has been pre-arranged into a presentation box for you with a water bubble at the base, then these can be left exactly as they are, just make sure that you keep checking the water level and top the water up accordingly, most florists add flower food to their arrangements (I know we certainly do). To top the arrangement up, take the flower food that was supplied in the envelope when your flowers were delivered and mix it with fresh, clean water, then slowly and carefully pour the water down the centre of the bouquet, taking care not to over fill, it’s best to lift the bouquet out of the presentation box so you can see what you are doing and top it up to the tie point.
Hatbox and front facing arrangements
Our Hat Box and Front Facing arrangements are very popular at the moment and again if you have received one of these, please leave everything in situ, the flowers in these are arranged into floral foam which has again been treated with flower food and are designed like this so you can just enjoy them with minimal fuss. Make sure they are in a cool spot and every 2-3 days you will be required to add a small amount of fresh clean water to refresh the floral foam, approx 200ml per top up. You should have received a sachet of flower food when your flowers were delivered, you will not need all of this in one go, you can just use a little bit of it mixed in with your water every couple of days.
A few other pointers that we thought you might like to know: Never leave your flowers by fresh fruit, as ripening fruit releases small amounts of ethylene gas which can reduce the longevity of your flowers.
No flower food….you can use lemonade, add some to the water, it will help keep the water clean and the sugar feeds the flowers, alternatively you can add a drop of bleach, yes bleach this again keeps the water clean and helps to feed the flowers. If using bleach in glass vases please be mindful as it can leave a milky residue on the vase.
Zinc jugs/vases these can be used and look very pretty, but please use something to line them as the metal reacts with the water increasing the metal ions in the water which is then toxic to the flowers. We use metal buckets as our shop display but we take great care to make sure they are all lined, cleaned daily and are therefore safe for the flowers.